It's hard to think outside the box when everything we do is viewed in a box!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Tony Soprano died and went to "Cop Bar"

I have been trolling Craiglist for gigs and I've seen multiple post for a project called "Cop Bar". The earlier posts were your standard "need crew for project" type requests with a hint of someone who watched one to many "Sopranos" episodes. Then I saw the following:

Frankly, anyone who calls someone a "Skanky Cunt" is angry because he is either not going get sex from said woman or he is no longer getting sex and she and dumped his douche bag ass.

here is what others thought about this:

Anyone who knows me, can tell you I love the bad. "Cop Bar" Hits all the marks. It's poorly edited, unoriginal, arrogant and unintentionally funny. I especially like the cops with their guns drawn, dancing with the "Cop bar girls". Pure Gold.
I give the guy some credit for having made something but, the shear lack of professionalism is evident in every aspect of his postings and ultimately his product. I've seen better student films. The editing is sloppy and the long laughable song would be better suited for a skit on "Saturday Night Live" not a serious edgy drama that this wishes it could be.Usually, I try not to a be to critical but, when I saw the post about the publicist, he opened himself up. See for yourself, Comments please.

"COP BAR" video by Jimmy Lloyd from jimmylloydsuperstar1 on Vimeo.