It's hard to think outside the box when everything we do is viewed in a box!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Job hunting-What we have here is failure to communicate!

I have email, a so called smart phone and a landline. I have sent out tons of resumes to leads. I check my email and my phone obsessively. Today I was out on errands, I checked my email on my phone and I got a question from a prospective employer which I decided to answer from a real computer rather than struggle with miniature keyboard on said phone. Some where later in the day, my phone decided to take an afternoon nap ( It does this everyonce in a while) and I didn't relaize it was off untill my 2 yearold daughter decided to throw a bucket of bathwater on me and i had to rescue the phone from my now soaked jeans. I turned it back on and that's when I got the "New Voice Mail" alert at 8:20 pm! The call was at 3:15 and of course it was the Producer who emailed me earlier. I left a voice mail as soon as I got the message. This could be a huge opportunity. I hope my cell phone didn't blow it for me!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Dumb TV Crap I Think About- Land of the Lost

With the release of the film version of "Land of the Lost" I recalled a thought I had about the original series when I was a kid.
What is the land of the lost? It occurred to me that this place was full of extinct creatures and this family, the Marshals, just happens to be white water rafting when the earth opens up right in front of them and they fall in. So now there are humans here. What if this place is some kind of preserve for extinct animals does that mean humans are now extinct? If that's so, can the Marshal family never escape because there is nowhere to go? I've had this rolling around in my head for years. Glad I could finally share.

Life behind bars and tone

Six months out
The short version

I left my staff position at CDTV after 7 years as the Daytime Assistant Editor (5months on the night shift) for family and health reasons. We packed up the Apartment with the help of my mother-in-law, sold my car, loaded up the Volvo station wagon and we (My wife, her mother, our 2 year old daughter and our diabetic dog) drove cross-country back to New Jersey.

I was able to find some freelance work for the video production department at a Major financial company. Although it paid well it was very short term and infrequent and I have staggering insurance payments to make. I was able to apply for financial assistance through the Actors fund and they lead me to The ESTA Foundation. They covered my health insurance for 3 months. I got another freelance editing gig with a successful (albeit small) infomercial firm and then interviewed and was hired to work on the documentary series “The IFC Media Project”.

At the same time my own health became an issue. I was officially diagnosed with Psoriasis in the late 90’s (I’ve been dealing with since I was kid) and about 5 years ago it progressed to Psoriatic Arthritis. I had pain and stiffness in my knees and hips and just coped with it (Advil and such). I started with a new dermatologist and asked for a prescription of Celebrex for the pain. I lasted a month and then had a possible reaction, after a trip to the emergency room; I had to stop taking it. I had another flare up and it spread to my hands and feet. I found it difficult to climb stairs and it was difficult to grip things like handrails (also necessary for climbing stairs). All this was happening while I had made the commitment to commute to NY everyday and I have work on computers, which aggravates my hands. My derm now has me on Humira and I am making improvements but it’s slow process. My employers have been very supportive and I have been able to continue working for the duration of the project.

Meanwhile, my wife who suffers from MS had a relapse and my poor old dog passed away. June has been a tough month.

Of course I started to feel better on the last week left on my gig. Now I have to start the whole job hunt over again. The pressure is on.