It's hard to think outside the box when everything we do is viewed in a box!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Dumb TV Crap I think about-The Jetsons

Something that always bothered about The Jetsons.
George Jetson works for "Spacely Sprockets" and their main competitor was "Cogswell Cogs" and I can't recall seeing much of anything that needed sprockets or cogs. Seriously they have flying cars, live in a floating suburb and everything is push button. So why the hell are sprockets and cogs such a big industry in the future? OK so maybe Rosie the Robot may have needed some cogs but more than likely her limbs would be hydraulic.


Eric B. Shanks said...

Was listening to Marketplace on NPR yesterday. Still makes me smile to hear that one of their producers is named George Jetson. His parents absolutely knew what they were doing when they named him...that poor bastard.

hpalleiko said...

This made me laugh.