It's hard to think outside the box when everything we do is viewed in a box!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Job hunting-What we have here is failure to communicate!

I have email, a so called smart phone and a landline. I have sent out tons of resumes to leads. I check my email and my phone obsessively. Today I was out on errands, I checked my email on my phone and I got a question from a prospective employer which I decided to answer from a real computer rather than struggle with miniature keyboard on said phone. Some where later in the day, my phone decided to take an afternoon nap ( It does this everyonce in a while) and I didn't relaize it was off untill my 2 yearold daughter decided to throw a bucket of bathwater on me and i had to rescue the phone from my now soaked jeans. I turned it back on and that's when I got the "New Voice Mail" alert at 8:20 pm! The call was at 3:15 and of course it was the Producer who emailed me earlier. I left a voice mail as soon as I got the message. This could be a huge opportunity. I hope my cell phone didn't blow it for me!


Unknown said...

i super hope that you get in touch today!

Unknown said...

still no word yet but it's been only one day

Unknown said...

I got the call. I have an interview, could be a great opportunity! I can't say with who yet!

Unknown said...

I didn't get the gig. It was for "The Dr. Oz Show" But got a call a week later for another show.